Our story
What We Do — And Why It’s Essential
URBEM is an all-volunteer environmental NGO in Lisbon, Portugal, dedicated to mitigating the effects of climate change and increased urbanization by re-connecting people to forests, the earth and each other. We take concrete, actionable steps to build a greener, cleaner future.
Utilizing mindful, Miyawaki-inspired design principles, our dedicated team of volunteers installs miniature forest — called FastForests® — in vacant land around the city. These purposefully-designed, biodiverse mini-forests reach self-sustainability in just three years and absorb 265% more carbon than traditional reforestation methods, leading to a greener, cleaner Lisbon.
Each Fast Forest is a hub for community connection, engagement, and education that promotes environmental literacy through immersive experiences in green spaces.
From small acorns, mighty oaks grow.
The URBEM FastForest® Method
Many people believe that simply planting more trees is the answer, but this is only half the story. The solution is not as simple, especially when done without care or attention to what is being planted and how it is maintained. This is where our Fast Forests (inspired by the Miyawaki method) come in.
This kind of high-density planting captures larger amounts of carbon as well as helping prevent water run-off and providing a habitat for local fauna through its rich biodiversity.
Our Current Plots, Projects & Plans
Discover our ever-growing network of forest plots and works in progress. Each project is carefully planned, planted, and maintained for maximum growth and benefit.
Sustainable Development Goals
Meet the Urbem Team
Urbem is a social collective made up entirely of volunteers. Our core team of volunteers help drive our passion to bring nature back into our cities.
António Alexandre
Ivo Rosa
João Fernandes
Rita Barrela
Hugo Warner
James Barrett
Our volunteers are our biggest asset!
Making our world sustainable through engagement and education, with a passion to make a change.
Learn more about native species, improve leadership skills, and gain valuable experience. You too can become an Urbem Forest Guardian.
Urbem's Champions
Our Partners & Sponsors
We are incredibly grateful for our caring sponsors and partners. Their monetary, tangible, and skills donations allow Urbem to keep fighting climate change and bring responsible, accountable change to Lisbon and beyond.
News & Updates
Don’t miss out on this chance to deepen your connection with nature. Join our community by subscribing to our free newsletter. Let’s grow a greener future together!